Our Vision

Part of the goal of the WynterDiva Foundation is to provide “heaven on earth” for kids.

Creating an environment where children can reach their artistic and athletic potential while experiencing pure joy. The WynterDiva Foundation will be granting annual scholarships for young children to attend dance classes at premier dance studios including the Broadway Dance Center in NYC and Brickhouse NYC. A goal of the Foundation is to ease the financial burden of parents that pay tuition at these studios. To learn more about the studios please click on the Participant Studios link at the top of the page.

Another goal of the WynterDiva Foundation is to provide monetary contributions to organizations involved in the fight against pediatric brain tumors. Annually, the Foundation will donate to the Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation with these funds being earmarked towards families seeking wellness treatments for families with children currently feeling the effects of aggressive brain cancers.

To summarize, all donations received will go towards fighting cancer and providing kids with the opportunity to perform at the best dance studios that NYC has to offer.


Jason Mack and Tahira Wright

She remained positive and never complained, no matter how tough things got
— Xavier Mack